Baby Wallpaper
Wallpaper can add personality and style to any room in your home, including a nursery or baby's room. It's a great way to create an inviting and cozy space for your little one.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing wallpapers for a nursery. You can go with something classic and timeless, or opt for a fun and funky pattern. No matter what your style, there's sure to be a wallpaper that's perfect for your little one's space.
Here are a few tips for choosing the right wallpaper:
1. Consider the theme of the room. If you have a specific theme in mind, choose a wallpaper that coordinates.
2. Go for something gender-neutral. i.e. not pink or blue. If you don't know the gender of your baby yet, or if you want a room that can grow with them, choose a neutral colour.
3. Consider the colour scheme. The colours you choose for the wallpaper will set the tone for the entire room. If you want a calming space, stick to neutral hues like white, cream, or grey.
4. Think about the overall style of the space. If you want the wallpaper to be a focal point in the room, such as a feature wall, choose a bolder pattern or brighter colours.
A feature wall in a baby's room can be a great way to add some personality and style to the space. It can also be a practical way to break up a large wall or create visual interest. Wallpaper is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to create a feature wall. There are many different styles and designs available, so you can find something that fits your baby's nursery perfectly. Just make sure to choose a wallpaper that is durable and easy to clean, as it will likely get plenty of wear and tear! For more protection, you can always finish the wallpaper with Decorators Varnish, which is what we advise for kitchens and bathrooms as it makes the wallpaper water resistant and wipes clean.
You may find some inspiration in our other categories Boys Wallpaper or Girls Wallpaper. Also, popular designs for nurseries include Animal Wallpaper and Jungle Wallpaper, so these are worth a look too.
Are you thinking of decorating your newborn baby's room yourself? If so, read our simple Step-by-Step guide on How to Hang Wallpaper in Your Home.