Living Room Wallpaper Ideas
There are a few things to consider when choosing wallpaper for your living room. The first is the overall style of the room. If you have a traditional living room, then you might want to go for something classic, like floral or striped wallpaper. If your living room has a more modern feel, then you could try a patterned paper with an abstract or geometric design. It's also worth considering the colour palette in your living room. If you want to make a statement, then go for a bold design; if you want something more subtle, then choose a wallpaper with softer colours, such as soft greys or maybe even with just a little bit of pattern. If you're not decorating all four walls and sticking to a feature wall, you can match the colour of the wallpaper with paint to add a new lease of life and some interior flair to your living space.
With our extensive range of living room wallpaper designs, there are endless opportunities for the atmosphere you can create in your family home. Get some inspiration from our living room wallpaper ideas and by ordering some wallpaper samples, you can see how easy it is to add colour and add texture with our stylish wallpapers. Also, compliment your walls with some of our fabulous Home Accessories and Furniture.
Once you've decided on the perfect wallpaper for your living room, it's time to think about installation. Read our helpful How to Hang Wallpaper at Home step-by-step guide.
If you like nature-inspired wallpaper, we'd suggest having a look at our Animal Wallpaper page.